
4 May 2010

Thomas again on TSCC movie

More news on the TSCC movie, Thomas was asked about it when he was in San Francisco on the first of May promoting another movie and he says it's happening!! Watch this clip to hear it for yourself! Thanks to Dekker_daily!

Now we also know that from June or end of June Lena should be on set for Game of Thrones, but maybe right after she could be working on a TSCC movie?! Who knows... busy times ahead for the new mommy! Thomas Dekker seems pretty sure and convinced about what he's talking about, so maybe this time it will really happen!! :) They would probably focus a lot on the future scenes, especially if the budget allows that, so now we have to see how much of Sarah will be in the movie, hopefully a lot! Anyway this is great news, let's hope to have it confirmed anytime soon! All you Lenaholics and Saraholics out there keep your fingers crossed!! ;)

Source: Dekker_daily

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