
29 April 2012

Congratulations to the Grimm Fairy Tales project

Congratulations to the Grimm Fairy Tales project. They have successfully raised the targeted $175.000 to produce the pilot for the animated series. In fact, they have surpassed the bench mark they set for funding the project. Any additionally donated money will go towards making more episodes of Grimm. More money = more episodes = more Lena. So if you would like to donate, click Kickstarter, to go to the site. The deadline for donating to this project is Tuesday May 1, 6:00pm EDT.
Will be looking forward to hearing Lena's voice, one of her voices, coming out of Sela Mathers' mouth...

May 1, 2012 Update: Grimm Fairy Tales Tally
The fund-raising effort to produce the animated series 'Grimm Fairy Tales', has come to a close. The final dollar amount raised was $188,970.

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