
21 June 2012

An Interview with Lena Headey

Interview with Game of Thrones' star Lena Headey
Here's a quick interview of Lena at Collectormania done by Neela Debnath for The Independent Blog.
Her character is scheming and malicious and Headey’s brilliant performance has resulted in a strong reaction from fans. ‘I usually get: ‘you’re a fucking bitch’. But today people have told me that think Cersei’s great. So I’m quite happy about that.’

It’s even more surprising that Headey does get noticed as Cersei considering that she looks quite different to her character. Unlike Cersei’s long, flowing blonde locks, Headey has short, dark hair and wears a pair of glasses.

The British actress, who also played Sarah Connor in the short-lived television series Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, goes on to say that she gets recognised as either Cersei or Sarah. ‘Sometimes no one recognises me which is fab but either or.’

Headey gave birth to her first child in 2010 and I ask whether her experiences as a new mother have had an influence on her performance as Cersei, who is a mother of three. When she answers there is warmth to her a voice and a smile as she tells me. ‘It’s massively influenced me in every bit, all the work I’ve done since having my son, because you access a little place you never knew existed. It’s like a recess of love and protection and loyalty, all of those magical emotions.’
To read the full article click on The Independent Blog.

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