
5 July 2012

Lena Stuff from Around the Web

Here's the motion poster for the upcoming DREDD movie.

Check out these cool Game Of Thrones fan videos.
Foundations / Cersei Lannister by Catemonster

(music: Foundations by Kate Nash)

Bedroom Hymns - Jaime/Cersei - Game Of Thrones by Blackiebrens

(music: Bedroom Hymns by Florence & The Machine)

Keeping an eye out for the Emmy announcement...
Lenaholics aren't the only people hoping against hope that Lena will get an Emmy nomination. Many critics & TV journalist are wondering too. Here's just one sample from The Playlist:
-- but she's really shown her strengths as Cersei Lannister, the manipulative, Machiavellian Queen, and in the more recent second season, widow and semi-regent, of Westeros. Cersei has, almost from the off, been one of the most obviously unsympathetic characters on the show, but as time has gone on, Headey has brought all kinds of texture to the part; the incestuous, murderous villain who betrayed Ned Stark is also an exploited woman, married off to a man who never loved her, and a mother increasingly discovering that the son she sacrificed so much for is a monster beyond anything she could have imagined. And Headey has palpably relished the material, especially now she has Dinklage as an on-screen sparring partner; their scenes together were some of the finest on the show. Between those and Cersei's spectacular drunken meltdown during the battle of the Blackwater, she's quietly creating one of the most memorable and complex villains in television history. 
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