Title: The Pointy End (1x08)
Description:The Lannisters press their advantage over the Starks; Robb (Richard Madden) rallies his father’s northern allies and heads south to war.
Written by: George R.R. Martin
Is it good to be the King???

Despite their on-screen distance, he was also close with Lena Headey, who plays Robert's wife-turned-widow, Queen Cersei Lannister.
One of the most intriguing scenes of the season paired Addy and Headey as Robert and Cersei, where the two talked about what went wrong in their marriage and what could have been.
"Lena and I got on like a house on fire," Addy told Access. "We absolutely adore each other, so it was terrific to have a scene where I wasn't snarling, 'Be quiet woman!' at her, and to get -- from our point of view as actors -- to get to explore a little bit more of what these characters are on a maybe a slightly more personal level than the image that they presented as 'The Monarchy'... was intriguing. That was a scene that [Producers and writers] David [Benioff] and Dan [Weiss] created... It was fantastic to have something like that to play and to really plunge the depths of who these people are."
Not that I'm condoning violence against women, how much did you hate Cersei this week!?
Carissa P: Honestly, just when you get a little compassion for the wench she goes off on those lies again. Frankly, I would have punched her. Skipped the slap altogether. Of course, I'm a woman, so it's allowed
Jim G: THIS is the Cersei from the book! For those who have not read the book, this is the b!tch we all loath and want to slap more often than not. I will give credit to Lena Headey, she did a fantastic job making us all want to smack her senseless.
Dan F: I don't think she was in it enough to really get me to hate her just yet. With no background from the book, she just seemed a bit bitchy, rather than someone I really hated. That being said she did have those slaps - and apparently Carissa's punch - coming to her.
Eric H: Exactly like Jim said it. We're finally starting to see the Cersei from the book that drove us all nuts. The beautiful Lena Headey has just made this character too likable until now.
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