Lena Headey:
Ahhh... Tis Sunday and that means a few things... A lie in for some.. Perhaps a banging head.. Regret.. and a blur of the night before for others..
Oh and season two of GOT BEGINS TONIGHT!!!!!
I know with certainty you guys will dig.. Major dig.
David and Dan are wordsmiths for sure and our ever growing cast just get more diverse and more compelling..
So... Kick that stranger out of bed (erase your number from their cell first) and get ready for war..
On another note. Wylie was two yesterday. Stop now please you are growing too fast.
Peace fellow throne ers
X x
source: Lena's official Facebook page (April 1, 2012)
How could you possibly think this woman evil??? Evilly funny perhaps! Down right wickedly hilarious maybe!! But EVIL??? NO... Never...
So, tonight is the night! The beginning of GoT Season 2. Enjoy!!!
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