Also... If you happen to have a cool $1.35 million burning a hole in your pocket... {a. I'd REALLY like to be your best friend! & b. Dang! those must be some really BIG pockets!}... you could buy Lena's humble abode in the Hollywood Hills. Yes! Lena is selling her house.
So, wherever in the world our little bird lands, I hope she finds a 'Home Sweet Home' full of love & happiness!
*Oct. 24, 2012 Update: After 6 months on the market Lena has sold her Hollywood Hills home for the asking price of $1.349 million. Yes, she paid $1.685 for it in 2008 and has taken a loss of over $336,000, plus whatever she put into the remodel & upgrades, but can you say... HOUSING BUBBLE???
So, once again, wishing her love & happiness in her new digs!
Source: Public Records
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