There are 37 days left in the year 2011. To celebrate we here at the Lena Headey Fan Blog have decided to share the LenaLove. And since its better to give than receive, everyday from now until the end of the year we will post a Lena picture. Of course, barring any computer &/or connection problems, bad weather, or extreme hangovers! <*fingers crossed*>
The picture could be a caption, FanArt, poster, wallpaper, screencap, or favorite photo of Lena.
Enough talk... bring on the picture!
(click the space beside the picture to see it in fullsize)
Feel free to contribute. Bring the funny. Use the comment section to share your own captions. If you use your name, initial, nickname, or online handle and we use your idea in a future caption, we will put your name on it!

hey lena,
i love watching game of thrones..
i just wanted to told you lena that i love u really from the bottom of my heart...
LOL! Very cool pic! Nicely done.
Jaime should have said...
"Yeah, but you should have seen the kid's face."
Ha-ha. Thanks for the funny! I needed the laugh!
Jaime: "You're yummy when you're angry. Come over here and give me a kiss!"
OMFG! Too funny. You are crazy! bounce!!!
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